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Feb 4

40 per cent of Brits unwilling to help in the battle against climate change

A study has discovered that 40 per cent of Brits are unwilling to make any personal changes to help combat the increasing threat of climate change. This worrying number comes despite the fact that 82 per cent of the 2,000 people surveyed claim to be concerned about the impact climate change will have on the UK.

Following the recent global agreement made in Paris at the COP21 conference, climate change has been at the top of the news agenda for many weeks. However, the global summit seems to have had little effect on British residents, with 71 per cent stating their biggest fear is climate change ultimately costing them money.

The research conducted by largest European brand of solar panels, REC, has shown although people consider climate change as a worry, the reluctance to do anything is concerning. Senior Vice President of REC, Luc Graré, echoes these fears.
Graré says, “The global agreement reached by the world’s leaders at COP21 was a big step in the right direction towards combating climate change. However it is vital that both the general public and British businesses are bought in to the global responsibility that is on everyone’s shoulders. For that to happen, the government needs to ensure it is creating the best possible conditions to help encourage a change in behaviour.”
“Small changes can already make a big difference. By consciously reducing electricity usage Brits can support the UK in adhering to its national commitment of meeting its 15 per cent renewable share in the electricity mix by 2020. Based on climate change science we know, the widespread deployment of carbon-free and zero-harm energy sources is mandatory in fighting climate change, while powering the world. We are crucially losing this battle against global warming, but it is not too late to start making a difference and begin to slow the rate down.”


Agnieszka Schulze
Public Relations Manager, REC
Leopoldstr. 175, 80804 Munich, Germany
Phone +49 89 54 04 67 225


REC is the largest European brand of solar panels, with more than 15 million high-quality panels produced at the end of 2014. With integrated manufacturing from polysilicon to wafers, cells, panels and turnkey solar solutions, REC strives to help meet the world’s growing energy needs. In partnership with a sales channel of distributors, installers, and EPCs, REC panels are installed globally. Founded in 1996, REC is a Bluestar Elkem company with headquarters in Norway and operational headquarters in Singapore. REC’s 1,800 employees worldwide generated revenues of USD 680 million in 2014.

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